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L'équipe du MAUV 

Nicolas St-Pierre

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Being director of claims files within the CNESST, Mister St-Pierre knows the labor standards and the rights that everyone has in their job, regardless of their age.


Christiane Morel

Treasurer of the Board of Directors

Manager of her IT company for 7 years and wishing to devote more time to her family, she has been working for more than 15 years as an IT analyst within a public organization.

She has also been part of her organization union for several years and has been part of the administration team for the Téléthon Enfant Soleil.

Sophie Marcotte

Director of Finance and Relations

Relationships between gears.

With more than 5 years of professional career with a clientele of addicts, suffering from the spectrum of autism or loss of autonomy, Claudine is the oil that lubricates our mechanism so that it performs optimally.

Her experience is an asset to his dynamic personality and viral energy!

With a bachelor's degree from the University of Montreal in Social Work, she also has, among her toolbox, a training in marketing which allows her to give an innovative aspect to the various programs of the MAUV.

Whether it's for assistance, advice or just talking with someone who will shine your day, Claudine is the person you need!

Claudine Fostier

Secretary of the Board of Directors

Holder of a bachelor's degree in Sexology and educator at a Youth Center, Miss Buligan has the well-being of people in vulnerable situations at heart.


Emilia Buligan

Treasurer of the Board of Directors

Manager of her IT company for 7 years and wishing to devote more time to her family, she has been working for more than 15 years as an IT analyst within a public organization.

She has also been part of her organization union for several years and has been part of the administration team for the Téléthon Enfant Soleil.

Luis H. Segovia

Secretary of the Board of Directors

Holder of a bachelor's degree in Sexology and educator at a Youth Center, Miss Buligan has the well-being of people in vulnerable situations at heart.

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